Medical Associate Professions (MAPs) Core Capabilities Framework consultation is now open

In 2015 Health Education England (HEE) commenced a programme of work to establish the Medical Associate Professions (MAPs). This is a new professional grouping that currently includes physician associates, anaesthesia associates, surgical care practitioners, and advanced critical care practitioners. The MAP Oversight Board was established to provide strategic professional oversight, expertise, leadership, and governance for this HEE MAP national work programme.

In 2021, HEE commissioned to develop a Core Capabilities Framework (The Framework) for MAPs. The Framework identifies and describes the skills and knowledge which MAPs need to apply to deliver safe, high-quality, compassionate, personalised care. It provides a single, consistent, comprehensive, and explicit reference standard on which to base, review and develop the role of MAPs professionals working across the full range of clinical services.

The Framework describes the core skills and knowledge and specifies that which is common between different roles and settings to enable greater consistency in the training and assessment of core skills and knowledge. The framework, therefore, provides a foundation of core skills and knowledge, to which further, more detailed skills and knowledge can be added according to the requirements of specific roles, organisations, or localities.

Development of the Framework so far has been guided by a project steering group representing key stakeholders including experienced clinical practitioners, NHS Bodies, Royal Colleges & Professional Bodies. The project steering group reports to the MAPs Oversight Board regularly, whilst the Framework is being developed.

The Framework is now at a point where the steering group has identified the need to include a wider, more diverse range of organisations and individuals; to provide feedback on the work-to-date as part of the Framework development process.

To further that end an online consultation has commenced and we invite you to take part. We would also encourage you to share this invitation with people who are part of your professional network and/or other interested stakeholders. The consultation runs until 4 pm Friday 13 August 2021.

Faculty of Physician Associates to close in December 2024


The Faculty of Physician Associates to close in December 2024  The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has made the decision to close the Faculty of Physician Associates (FPA) at the... more